Friday, June 1, 2012

Please Stop Exposing Your Nursing

Every once in a while the news becomes so cluttered with garbage that I feel as if my mind is going to explode from all of the negativity and controversy that flows through the air ways. Now you may say just turn it off, you don't have to watch it. However, as I currently don't reside in the country that I love, I watch the news to see what is going on back home. If the news really was an accurate representation of our great nation then we indeed should be very worried.
For example an individual recently brought a top news story to my attention because they knew it would enrage me, and it did. Two women in uniform nursing their babies as part of a pro-nursing campaign on a military base. Now one woman was modest and completely covered, but the other was very much exposed. Really..... really? I am a mother and I even agree with the positive aspects of nursing. However, I also acknowledge that there are women that can't nurse or don't feel comfortable with it and that is fine too. I believe it is a personal choice for every woman.....personal being the key word. I am exhausted by these women that feel the need to display something so private and personal. A mother's greatness is not defined by her ability to put her breasts on public display, rather it is defined by the great and many sacrifices she makes to love, protect, teach and serve her children. A baby's essential need for nourishment and love should not be put on display and sensationalized so that a woman's desperate need for approval can be found in the public eye. Not to mention the respect for the sacred uniform of the military. I have known many women who have served valiantly in the military. Many have been great mothers. They are humble and honorable and I cringe at seeing the uniform they have honored and their tireless efforts as mothers and service women as merely unrecognized shadows compared to the blinding spotlight the media has placed on a foolish publicity stunt. So I say please stop. Please stop diminishing the true value of mothers around the world by putting your child's basic needs and your breasts on display. Please stop dishonoring the uniform so many have sacrificed their lives in because you feel the need to make some kind of unnecessary statement. Wouldn't it be better to spend all that time and effort in following the examples of so many mothers that came before us by spending what ever time we have been blessed with on our children teaching them to have the strength of character to make the world better. So cover up and be someone that your children don't have to be ashamed of when they grow up.

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